Waste & Recycling - Reduce, Reuse & Recycle   
by Save Our Earth

What Can You Recycle?

We aim to provide a comprehensive list of waste materials and goods that can be recycled for better uses.

Email us if anything on this list is incorrect - we do not want anyone misled over something that is positively good for the environment.

You can also visit www.wastewatch.org.uk

And a big thank you to Jo Mullet for her comments!

Material / Product Recycling Method
Junk Mail Call or email the company that sent it to you and ask to be taken off their mailing list; credit card companies must send out thousands every week. If in doubt, recycle the same as magazines and newspapers.
Glass jars or bottles Rubbish dumps and supermarkets provide bottle banks for different coloured glass. This means that you can recycle before/after you shop. Some local councils do collect glass or recycling.
Paper, Newspapers and Magazines Rubbish dumps provide skips for paper and newspapers. Local councils arrange recycling collections. You could even drop magazines off at your doctor's surgery, dentist or chiropractor etc.
Aluminum Foil Local councils do not recycle aluminum foil, but facilities do exist, mainly in Supermarket recycle areas.
Cardboard Recycling facilities provide skips for paper and newspapers. Local councils arrange recycling collections.
Plastic bottles and cartons Recycling facilities provide skips for plastic bottles. Local councils arrange recycling collections. Some plastic cartons are now recyclable.
Drink cans Recycling facilities provide skips for drink cans. Local councils arrange recycling collections.
Engine Oil Council rubbish dumps provide facilities for engine oil. Do not put into normal domestic rubbish or pour down drains!
Batteries For car batteries, council rubbish dumps provide facilities. For batteries in household goods, local recycling centres or council rubbish dumps provide facilities. For rechargeable batteries, please call local recycling companies for details. Lithium batteries such as those in mobile phones and smart technology can be recycled in special bins at your recycling facility.
Mobile phones, Computers, Technology Unwanted technology products can be recycled at your local facilities. You can donate them to charity shops or give them to specialist computer stores for recycling.
Plastic Plant Pots In the UK, these can be recycled at your local Wyevale garden centre - check with them first in case they can no room to take them.
Computer printer ink cartridges Laser printer cartridges can be returned to the manufacturer for refilling and reuse. For other cartridges, you should be able to buy ink refills to restock your printer. Many charities also accept ink cartridges and when they recycle, they receive a donation.
Energy Efficient and Fluorescent Light Bulbs Energy saving light bulbs and flourescent tubes can be recycled at your local Household Waste Recycling Centre in the designated bin. Please ask site staff and they will be able to advise you accordingly or phone ahead of your visit to check they have capacity for the items in the bin.
Green Waste All councils in the UK either have a chargeable green waste collection and/or bins for green waste at the local recycling centre.
Steel, Copper and Metal Local councils have containers for steel, copper and metal at local recycling centres.
Televisions Local councils have areas for televisions at local recycling centres. Components are recycled where appropriate.
Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Freezers Local councils can collect (some charge) these white goods and have areas set aside at local recycling centres.