It was a warm summer and the month was July we were drawn together with our neighbours across the road who lived in a flat on the first floor, we live in the ground floor opposite, the neighbours consisted of Carla, Cath, and the children Louise and David, we exchanged hellos when we passed in the street but other than that we didn't really know them, we were brought together under unusual circumstances which would affect us all forever and we remain friends even though they have now moved. They had pets, there was Frankie the mad dog, Sassy the placid dog, Barney the rabbit and the two cats, Mork and Mindy; Mork was the one who was to bring us together.
One day Carla was calling her cat Mork as he had run off and hadn't come home, she asked if we had seem him at all, we said that we hadn't but that we would keep an eye out as a few cats in the area had simply ran away, we have a cat ourselves, 'Taz' but food and a distain for rainy weather keeps him close to home.
A few nights later after being told about the missing cat at about 04.30am I was awake working on the computer when I decided to look outside the front door I could see Taz and as I looked passed him I focused on the bushes at the side of the house I could see this little black skinny creature cowering in the corner, I immediately took Taz in and broke open a tin of cat food for the skinny cat, and left the food on a plate, the cat swallowed the food as if this was his last meal and was then looking for more, I fed him some biscuits and sat with him talking to him, he allowed me to stroke him but was still unsure of me even though he seemed to appreciate the food on offer, as I went to pick him up he scurried off as quick as he had come.
For the next few days, he appeared again and I proceeded to feed the poor thing to build up his skin and bones of a body, it then dawned on me that this cat could be the cat that belonged to Carla and Cath, the next time I saw them I explained that we had seen a black cat in the early morning but that this cat was so skinny, Carla informed us that he had been missing for four months, so it could well have been Mork.
That Wednesday we were due to go out to a psychic circle we had just joined, I said to Mark that for some reason I did not want to go and that I got a feeling that we should stay in thinking that a horrible accident was to happen, we stayed home.
Around eight that evening I went to the front door and there was the cat again sitting there starring at me, I fed him again and picked him up, put him in the bathroom with milk and food and talked to him while Mark ran to Carla to see if it was indeed Mork, Carla came over as did the children who confirmed it was Mork and they all seemed so pleased. The vet was called in and checked him over he was ok. This was to be the beginning of our friendship with Carla, Cath, Louise and David.
The night Mork was found Mark mentioned to Carla that we attended a Spiritualist Church on Sundays and Carla seemed interested to come along, we then spent many nights in the summer evenings in each others homes chatting and laughing over wine and behaving like children, it was a summer I shall not forget in a hurry. Carla and Cath were interested in meditation and so we put our new found skills to use and decided to do our own meditation night, we had some great contacts, one being Carla's uncle Dave who had recently passed, apparently the front door was opening at all times and closing and people could hear footsteps up the stairs of the flat but no one was there, Louise and her friends were being scared by this and so we asked uncle Dave that although they appreciated the visits and the protecting he gave, could he please not scare the kids by these actions. After that no more door opening and closing but he was still around so that was good.
So successful the first meditation was that we decided that we would do this regularly, after a few times we noticed a pattern in that we were getting similar messages, we wrote the information down before comparing messages so we would have a record off what we got. We noticed the colour Silver was in our messages, a little girl was seen in grubby clothes holding a doll and Mark heard the words 'bitch' being directed at the girl, I saw a small boy called Jimmy he seemed to be in a bubble, which I thought was strange until later when it all made sense, we though that there was an abused situation with the children or they were kept against their will, the girl particularly was scared of someone or something, Mark also saw a woman with a disfigured face. We had horses and some witch connection and hangings. We could not make it out, was the area a hanging place in the middle ages this was Middlesex and it was half way to London the area was a well known stopping place for coaches and travellers, what was the connection??
One Sunday after the Church we were driving up to our homes and Cath come out with a strange thing, now Cath is a quiet person and not someone who is a drama queen, she said that she had seen a little girl hiding behind my car the other day, she was in a dirty nighty with brown curly hair which was tangled, I stopped the car quite shocked that she just came out with this and asked why she didn't say something before and she nonchantly replied that she forgot. Mark explained that this sounded like the girl he had seen in his meditation, we now knew that Cath was able to see spirit and we were quite envious in a friendly way though.
One Thursday Cath came over as Cath usually popped over to get away for a while, she said that Carla would be over soon and that she was meditating first, so we had a glass of wine and was chatting away and in walked Carla with a look of amazement on her face and she hadn't even had a drink, she began to explain that she was meditating and said that there was a problem with one of the trees outside the flats, she explained that she was shown that we had done something to the trees in the garden and there was one with a branch sticking out, we all fell into the garden in a rush to see what the problem was, she pointed out the tree and asked if we had done anything to the tree (See Picture 1), the only thing we could remember doing was saving the trees from dying as the vine leaves were killing them, we had removed the vines the previous year and saved two trees, she also said that number 9 was significant to the trees, so we had a think and started to count the trees, sure enough there were nine trees but what was the significance as we counted them?

We went back inside and thought about what we had collected. Carl mentioned that she always got a feeling of someone watching her when she comes over to us as did Cath and we said that we feel spooked sometimes at night as there was no lighting down the side of the house and the vine leaves covered much of the back of the wall in the street by the houses making it dark and spooky, so we had a chat and decided to count the trees backwards this time from the back of our flat to the side and out to the front we ended up at the end tree, which we never really took any notice of, I knew that our cat was caught up there a few times but never really took any notice, we peeled the vine away from the tree and this magnificent bright white shone through from underneath.
Mark informed us that this was a silver birch tree and that silver was the colour we had in our meditation, we were at the right tree. Mark suggested we take a photo we had a digital camera so we stood by laughing and chatting as he did his thing, this was about eleven o'clock at night and the neighbours in the street must have thought that we were all mad. After Mark took the photo he went to the light in the porch way of our flat, we asked if there was anything on the photo, he said 'you are not going to believe this'. (See Pictures 2,3,4) We all rushed to the door and there to our surprise and shock was a big bright white light in a perfect circle, Mark took other photos of the trees, where more circles appeared, we found these to be orbs, but the actually amazing thing of all was that in these circles were faces, yes faces, the top orb was a woman at with a disfigured face, what appears to be an old man who was not happy about the rubbish then it seemed the bottom two were children I said straight away that the bottom one was a boy and he was smiling, I recognised this immediately as Jimmy that's why he was in a bubble he was trying to tell me or give me confirmation when we did find the tree and the orb.

Now we had discovered where the problem was, what was the problem. The next meditation tool place a few days later, it could have even been a week later. In that time we decided to meditate separately, we all decided that they were spirits in the trees and that they were not happy with the rubbish and vines on and around the trees, so we decided to keep a weekend free and to clear all of it, emm what a mistake as it was such hard work, (See Pictures 5,6,7) in one of my meditations I saw myself pulling up weeds and here I was doing just that, pulling vines by hand from the ground so that they would not grow again in a hurry.

After two solid days of hard grafting we had the place looking lovely, we borrowed and begged gardening equipment from neighbours, we really had a great time as we had picnics by a tree and we all mucked in, it was such a community spirit, the children in the neighbourhood were helping, well playing on the heap or rubbish and vines really, the cats and dogs were chasing each other and neighbours came to ask what we were doing and to give their own opinion on what to do, we couldn't tell them why we were clearing the mess as they would have thought we were mad.(See Pictures 8,9,10,11).

We went to the garden centre and picked the flowers that were shown to us in one of the meditations, they were daffodils, bluebells and herbs of rosemary, lavender and sage. Whilst out we saw some tyres that a thoughtless motorist had left and we took them to recycle and use as flower holders for the garden, we also picked up some pallets which were also dumped roadside, it felt great recycling these things as it made the place look great and also took the rubbish from the roads. (See Pictures 12,13,14).

It was about five o'clock on the Sunday when we finished and had a well deserved shower we then all left for the Spiritualist Church, we had a reading along the lines of, 'I can see you in the garden, gardening', we laughed so much that we had to apologise to the medium as she was looking at us like we were on drugs. We came back and did a tree ritual and blessed the place with sage (this clears negative energy and turns the energy into positive and then releases it back into the Universe so the spirits would be free) we also gave the tree money, milk, salt and hung white ribbons, we said a few words to bless the spirits of the tree and asked them to be free and to be released from the negative. We had a glass of wine to celebrate the hard work we all did, and compared notes on who had the most breaks during the two days. We took photos again of the tree and there was a little orb at the top by the ribbons, they are happy and at peace at last. (See Pictures 15,16,17).

A few days later Mark and I meditated again just to make sure all was ok, we both saw a little girl and a little boy on a swing waving, the girl was wearing a bright white dress with her hair in ringlets and they were both smiling, there was also the woman with the disfigured face, she was playing tennis and smiling. How lovely. (See Picture 18).

This story touches my heart and many people are amazed to see the faces in the orbs, it is a true story but believe what you will. I shall pass this on to my children and show them the photos to prove it and I will ask them to pass it on to their children. Not only did we learn about communicating with our neighbours but also to respect the area you live in not just your space. It also shows you that there are spirits everywhere including the spirits of the trees and that is why we must look after our heritage, our nature, our wildlife and most of all the lungs of the Earth, The Trees.