Q & A: The Paris Agreement
by Save Our Earth (2020)
Q. What Is the Paris Agreement?
A. The Paris Agreement was created to address greenhouse gas emissions. The aim of the Agreement is to decrease climate change by holding the global
average temperature increase to below 2C above pre-industrial levels. It also strengthens the ability of countries to adapt to the adverse effects of
climate change in a way that does not threaten food production. Lastly it aims to provide appropriate financial flows to aid developing countries and
the most vulnerable to aid them in moving to a more climate resilient future.
For more information, see UNFCCC Process and Meetings
Q. When was the Paris Agreement signed?
A. It was signed on 22nd April 2016 in New York, USA. It became effective from 4th November 2016.
Q. What is the status of ratifying the Agreement?
A. The Agreement has 197 signatories and at present, March 2020, it has been ratified by 189 countries. As of January 2020, the only countries with
over 1% share of global emissions which have not ratified, are Iran and Turkey.
On 4th November 2019, the USA formally notified the UN that it intended to withdrew from the Paris Agreement on 4th November 2020.
On 20th January 2021, Joe Biden in his first hours as US President returned the USA to the Paris Agreement - Biden returns US to Paris climate accord hours after becoming president.
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